32 research outputs found

    Selective attention, arousal, and the theory of signal detection

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    Interactive Gaming Reduces Experimental Pain With or Without a Head Mounted Display

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    While virtual reality environments have been shown to reduce pain, the precise mechanism that produces the pain attenuating effect has not been established. It has been suggested that it may be the ability to command attentional resources with the use of head mounted displays (HMDs) or the interactivity of the environment. Two experiments compared participants’ pain ratings to high and low levels of electrical stimulation while engaging in interactive gaming with an HMD. In the first, gaming with the HMD was compared to a positive emotion induction condition; and in the second experiment the HMD was compared to a condition in which the game was projected onto a wall. Interactive gaming significantly reduced numerical ratings of painful stimuli when compared to the baseline and affect condition. However, when the two gaming conditions were directly compared, they equally reduced participants’ pain ratings. These data are consistent with past research showing that interactive gaming can attenuate experimentally induced pain and its effects are comparable whether presented in a head mounted display or projected on a wall

    Video Games and Stress: How Stress Appraisals and Game Content Affect Cardiovascular and Emotion Outcomes

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    Although previous studies have found that video games induce stress, studies have not typically measured all salient indicators of stress responses including stress appraisals, cardiovascular indicators, and emotion outcomes. The current study used the Biopsychosocial Model of Challenge and Threat (Blascovich and Tomaka, 1996) to determine if video games induce a cardiovascular stress response by comparing the effects of threat and challenge appraisals across two types of video games that have shown different cardiovascular outcomes. Participants received challenge or threat appraisal instructions, and played a fighting game (Mortal Kombat) or a puzzle game (Tetris). Study outcomes were heart rate variability, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and positive and negative emotion ratings measured before, during and after gameplay. Results indicated that threat appraisal instructions increased negative emotion ratings and decreased heart rate variability, but not blood pressure, which is an essential marker for cardiovascular stress responses. Increased blood pressure and decreased heart rate variability was associated with fighting game players when compared with the puzzle game players, indicating a cardiovascular stress response; however, fighting game players also reported higher positive emotion ratings. Based on the study findings, video games do not induce stress responses like mental stressors used in previous research, demonstrating that the interactive player experience in video gaming may have more complex effects on stress outcomes. Future research should comprehensively measure biopsychosocial stress indicators and multiple emotional states over time to fully examine the relationship between video games and stress

    Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the Japanese version of the Neck Pain and Disability Scale

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    Abstract Background Until recently, no Japanese versions have existed of the more popular, patient-reported disability questionnaires for neck pain. This study aimed to test the reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the Japanese version of the Neck Pain and Disability Scale (NPDS), one of the most widely used questionnaires in patients with neck pain. Methods In this validation study, 167 outpatients with neck pain participated. Patients received the NPDS and the Medical Outcome Study Short Form 36-item Health Survey (SF-36), and used Visual Analog Scales (VASs) to assess pain and global health. To examine test-retest reliability, patients who were considered stable by clinicians were given the NPDS 2 weeks after baseline. To examine responsiveness, patients who had not undergone treatment at the time of the first data collection or had no change in treatment over 3 months were studied again 2 weeks after starting a new medication or physical therapy. Results Of the 167 participants, 143 completed the questionnaires (85.6%). Factor analysis showed two factors, defined as neck-pain-related disability (factor 1) and neck-related pain (factor 2). Cronbach's a coefficient for factor 1, factor 2, and total score was 0.94, 0.93, and 0.96. The intra-class correlation coefficients for the 19 more stable patients were 0.79, 0.88, and 0.87. For concurrent validity, the correlation between NPDS subscales and total score and SF-36 subscale scores ranged from r = -0.54 to -0.22 (p \ 0.01). Correlations between the NPDS subscales and total score and VAS of pain ranged from 0.56 to 0.77 (p \ 0.01) and those for VAS of global health ranged from 0.48 to 0.63 (p \ 0.01). The NPDS subscales and total scores of the 41 patients retested after treatment were significantly improved. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this articl

    Location constancy and its effect on visual selection

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    Low Vitamin D States Observed in U.S. Marines and Navy Sailors with Early Multi-Symptom Illness

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    Research has implicated immune system inflammation as an underlying etiology of multi-symptom illnesses, and vitamin D has been shown to have a significant role in immune system function. In this retrospective review performed on the medical charts of service members who presented with signs and symptoms of multi-symptom illnesses, we focused on serum 25(OH)D3 levels and looked for associations of vitamin D status (deficient, insufficient, and normal) with age (20–31 years versus 31–56 years) and deployment status (war zones versus other). Two groups (U.S. Marines and Navy Sailors) were sampled and both showed high incidences of below normal vitamin D levels. However, with the Marines, age-related differences in serum levels (p = 0.009) were found only among those who deployed to Iraq/Afghanistan in comparison to those in non-combat locations. The comparison within the Navy sample showed that mobilized sailors had lower 25(OH)D3 levels than the group that did not deploy (p = 0.04). In addition, 100% of the sailors who deployed had below normal levels versus only 33% in the cadre group. The data suggest that personnel returning from a war zone with signs of early multi-symptom illness should be checked for low vitamin D status